Ph.D. Students
Dr. Digambar Kambale
M. Sc. (Org. Chemistry), PAH Solapur University, Solapur
Ph. D. student Period: 2014-2022.
Present Position: Post-Doctoral Fellow at Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan. Mentor - Prof. Kwun-min Chen
Dr. Sagar S. Thorat
M. Sc. (Org. Chemistry), PAH Solapur University, Solapur
Ph. D. student Period: 2015-2021.
Senior Project Associate (Mentor-Dr. Ravindar Kontham) at Organic Chemistry Division, CSIR-NCL, Pune
Present Position: Post-Doctoral Research Associate (Mentor-Dr. Mukund Sibi) at Chemistry and Biochemistry Division, North Dakota State University, USA
Dr. Madhukar Pratapure
M. Sc. (Org. Chemistry), Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra
Ph. D. student Period: 2015-2023.
Present Position:
Dr. Priyanka Kataria
M. Sc. (Org. Chemistry), Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra
Ph. D. student Period: 2016-2023.
Present Position: Post Doctoral Researcher(Mentor - Dr. Camille Oger), University of Montpellier, Faculty of Pharmacy, Institute of Biomolecules Max Mousseron(IBMM), France
Dr. Balasaheb Borade
M. Sc. (Org. Chemistry), Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra
Ph. D. student Period: 2016-2023.
Present Position: Post-Doctoral Research Associate (Mentor -Dr. Qing Lin), University at Buffalo, State University of New York, USA
Dr. Ashwini Nakate
M. Sc. (Org. Chemistry), Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra
Ph. D. student Period: 2016-2023.
Present Position:
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Dr. Rajesh Nomula
Postdoc student Period: 2016-2018.
Postdoc at University of Bordeaux with Prof. Y. Landais: 2018-2019
Present Position: Joined at Sai Life Sciences, Hyderabad.
Tare Fellow
Dr. Hemant Vilas Chavan (DST-SERB-TARE Fellow)
DST-SERB-TARE Fellow Period: 2018-2021.
Present Position: Assistant professor at Nya. Tatyasaheb Athalye Arts, Ved. S.R.Sapre Commerce & Vid. Dadasahb Pitre Science College Devrukh, Dist. Ratnagiri Maharashtra
Research Associates
1. Dr. Sunil V. Gaikwad: Mr. Sunil joined Dr. Kontham's group in 2019 as a Research Associate on CSIR Inprotics project.
Project Assistants
1. Mr. Hemant Dusane: Mr. Hemant joined Dr. Kontham's group in 2019 as a project assistant.
He joined as a Research Associate E1, in Lupin research park, Pune.
2. Ms. Umeshwari Girase: Ms. Umeshwari joined Dr. Kontham's group in 2019 as a project assistant.
3. Mrs. Megha Palange: Mrs. Megha joined Dr. Kontham's group in 2017 as a project assistant. She worked on the total synthesis of biologically active natural products.
4. Ms. Mrudul Supekar: Ms. Mrudul joined Dr. Kontham's group in 2018 as a project assistant. She worked on the total synthesis of biologically active natural products.
5. Mr. Aakash D. Nidhankar: Mr. Aakash joined Dr. Kontham's group in 2016 as a project assistant. He worked on the total synthesis of biologically active natural products.
6. Mr. Yaswanth Matta : Mr. Yaswanth joined Dr. Ravindar Kontham's research group in Sep - 2022 as Project Associate - I. He worked on ' Discovery and Pre-Clinical Development of Antivirals for COVID -19 and other diseases.
7. Ms. Shweta Lande : Shweta joined Dr.Ravindar's research group in Aug-2023 as a project associate - I . She worked on Development of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients for Affordable Health Care [API-AHC] .
8. Ms. Rutuja Sankpal : Rutuja joined Dr. Ravindar Kontham group in April-2024 as Project Associate - I. She worked on Innovative Processes and Technologies for Crop Protection Chemicals.
9. Mr. Ravikumar : Ravikumar joined Dr. Ravindar Kontham group in April-2024 as Project Associate - I. He worked on Innovative Processes and Technologies for Crop Protection Chemicals.
M. Sc. Project Trainees
1. Mr. Shashikant Dattatraya Choudhari: M. Sc., Project Trainee (2016) @ Savitribai Phule Pune University
2. Mr. Hemant Dusane: M. Sc., Project Trainee (2017) @ Savitribai Phule Pune University
3. Mr. Souvik Sadhu: M. Sc., Summer Internship (2017) @ Central University of Gujarat joined as a project fellow at IIP-Dehradun
4. Ms. Delna Johnson: M. Sc., Project Trainee (2018) @ Savitribai Phule Pune Universit
Joined as a PhD student at IIT-Gandhinagar under the guidence of Dr. Sivapriya Kirubakaran.
5. Mr. Udayan Chaudhury: M. Sc., Summer Internship (2018) @ Central University of Gujarat
6. Mr. Akshay Kumar: M. Sc., Summer Internship (2019) @ DAVV Indore
7. Mr. Prasad N. Mishra: M. Sc., Project Trainee (2019) @ SPPU, Pune
8. Ms. Rutuja P. Agarkar: M. Sc., Project Trainee (2019) @ SPPU, Pune
9. Mr. Arun. Ch: M. Sc., Project Trainee (2020) @ Krishna University, Andhara Pradesh
10. Ms. Vimala C: M. Sc., Project Trainee (2020) @ Calicut University, Kerala
11. Mr. Kiran V. Karande : M. Sc., Project Trainee (2023) @ SPPU, Pune
12. Ms. Rutuja Gaikwad : M. Sc., Project Trainee (2023) @ SPPU, Pune
BS-MS Summer Internship
1. Ms. Navyasree Venugopal: BS-MS summer internship (2016) @ IISER Thiruvananthapuram, currently working as a PhD student in Dr. Ullrich Jahn research group, Institute of Organic chemistry and Biochemistry, Prague, Czech Republic